Who are we?

Or more like who am I?

Where my store came from.

All things MardyMakes are created by me, Amy Lambton, here is my story:

I've always been interested in the arts taking Art, Photography and Textiles as Alevels. One discipline was never enough for me and I have had various hobbies and projects on the go at all times. Whilst completing my degree I really missed creating art for myself and my parents and husband encouraged me to try to make a go of a business that allowed me to do just that. Against all solid advice in the current climate, I decided to give opening my shop a go.

My shop started on Etsy in November 2022 and when I graduated university in July 2023 I decided to take this buisness up a notch. After much consideration and investment both in time and money here we are as MardyMakes LTD!!!

I truly believe art should be for everyone and should at its core be for fun. So whether you find that in the form of an art print, sticker or fabric rose , or find something from a completely different artist, I hope you find something that brings you joy and reminds you art is for you!

Find joy in art and crafts with MardyMakes - Where every piece tells a story!

Where does the name come from?

The colloqualism Mardy is popular in Northern England and speciffically in the East Midlands where I'm from (Yes the Midlands is part of the UK).

Mardy means "a sulky mood or fit of petulant bad temper"

It is something I have been called many times through my life and at some point I had to admit I am a little mardy. I believe everyone has the right to be Mardy sometimes and I think they're lying if they say they never are!

Art - in my humble opinion - Is not only for those of us that are perpetually happy but there to help us when we aren't feeling so cheery. With that train of thought it just had to go into the name of my business and thus MardyMakes LTD was made!